How Often Should You Rotate Ammo?

How Often Should You Rotate Ammo?

A weapon is a machine, and machines can break down. You should do everything within your power to keep this from happening. This means regular maintenance of your EDC handgun. Many people think only of the action of the weapon, and fail to realize that both the ammunition and magazine play a vital role. Because these go unnoticed, it can become a point of failure when you need it most.

Why Do People Use A Concealed Carry Badge?

Why Do People Use A Concealed Carry Badge?

I was visiting my old man this past weekend. He’s responsible for my affinity for firearms. He was military, Marines and Army, and then went on to do a stint in law enforcement. From an early age, I was introduced to firearms, and taught a healthy respect for them. However, despite this, I never noticed him having carried a concealed carry badge in all those years.

Can I Conceal Carry Two Guns?

Can I Conceal Carry Two Guns?

It’s rare, if ever, that you’ll be required to use your concealed weapon to protect your life, or the life of loved ones. However, in the event that you do, what are the odds that your weapon will jam or misfire? Probably astronomical. Nevertheless, a second firearm would increase your chances of survival, wouldn’t it?

What Should You Do If Someone Asks If You Are Carrying A Gun?

What Should You Do If Someone Asks If You Are Carrying A Gun?

While at the gas station a few weeks ago, I noticed a woman was carrying concealed (not very well) and I inquired about what her weapon of choice was. Turns out she was an off duty officer, and after a few tense moments and idle comments, we parted ways. However, the situation got me thinking about what I would do in a similar situation.

Can I Conceal Carry A Gun Without A Holster?

Can I Conceal Carry A Gun Without A Holster?

Investing in a firearm, along with obtaining your concealed carry permit is no small investment of money or time. Purchasing the necessary accessories, cleaning kits, extra magazines, ammo, holsters, and the like all come at additional expense. Often people will look to circumvent these costs. They will do this by trimming anything they deem unnecessary.