If you are into fitness and physical activity in general, then you know that carrying a handgun can interfere with technique or just be uncomfortable. Today I’m going to talk about the best ways to conceal carry while exercising. Since each activity is different, I’ll break down your best options for concealed carry by type of exercise.
I’m no stranger to working out, but my routine has suffered since creating this website. However, it has also afforded me the opportunity to explore this issue based upon my own workout routines.
Table of Contents
Conceal Carry While Walking
If you want to conceal carry while walking, you have a ton of options. Unlike other exercises, such as hiking or running, walking is relatively low impact. Therefore, you won’t need a holster or alternative that accommodates for a handgun bouncing around.
The best option to conceal carry while walking is some form of compression garment meant for concealed carry. Some concealed carry garments can be worn as an under-layer, while other options can be worn as your outer layer.
Best Options For Conceal Carry While Walking

For guys, I recommend the 5.11 Tactical concealed carry compression shirt on Amazon which you can read more about here. Ladies, your best option to conceal carry while walking is a set of compression shorts like the Undertech Undercover Concealed Carry Shorts on Amazon .
My neighbor whose family runs a fireworks stand in July has this set of compression shorts. She is literally on her feet from 10 in the morning to well into the night and is constantly pacing her box or unloading boxes, all without issue. She also doesn’t wear a bottom layer over top of the compression shorts.
Pros Of Compression Garments For Concealed Carry
Compression garments are a great option for conceal carry while exercising. Their material is usually moisture wicking which aids in cool down. At the very least, these types of garments are breathable.
Additionally, they are tight fitting to cut down on any chafing during your workout routine or walk. Furthermore, the tight fit helps prevent the firearm from shifting while you exercise.
Cons Of Compression Garments For Concealed Carry
No concealed carry method is perfect, and compression garments are no exception. First, they can be a bit pricey for a quality product. Furthermore, you’ll need more outfits the more frequently you work out.
Unlike holsters, you’ll need to wash your garments after each workout before using again. Finally, this type of clothing has special washing instructions that you’ll need to pay attention to in order to avoid shrinking the garment.
Conceal Carry While Hiking & Running

Hiking covers a broad range of trek types, from leisurely jogs along park paths to climbing uphill where no path has been defined. Personally, steady state cardio and HIIT on park trails is my preferred method of cardiovascular training.
Pros Of Using A Fanny Pack While Hiking

I’ve found the best way to conceal carry while hiking is by using some kind of concealed carry fanny pack. Not only does a fanny pack provide storage for your firearm, but also offers compartments for your cell phone, keys, and concealed carry permit.
Additionally, wearing a fanny pack for concealed carry while hiking prevents your firearm from falling out because it has a zippered enclosure for your gun. A good quality fanny pack will keep your firearm from jostling around too much.
Furthermore, you can wear a fanny pack in many different configurations. If you are running up hills where you’ll be leaned forward simply rotate the pack around to rest on your lower back. Alternatively, you can wear on your hip or in the appendix position for less rigorous hikes.
Cons Of A Fanny Pack
Hiking with a fanny pack means you’ll be carrying in deep concealment. You’ll have to perform multiple actions to un-holster your handgun. Generally, I’ve found this is not a huge concern. While hiking, I rarely encounter other people on the same trail as me. Your experience may vary so bear this in mind.
Another problem with using a fanny pack for conceal carry while hiking is that you may find the bulk interferes with your enjoyment of the activity. However, the ways a fanny pack can be worn are versatile and you should be able to find a position that suits you.
I highly recommend a fanny pack that has a built in holster as the jostling from running can dislodge your firearm if it relies on elastic band retention. Check out this list of the top 5 concealed carry fanny packs to find the right fit for your gun and you!
Best Way To Conceal Carry While Lifting Weights

Pumping iron is my favorite way to exercise. Unlike some other methods of exercise, lifting weights requires complete freedom of movement. Therefore, I’ve found the best way to conceal carry while exercising with weights is a belly band.
I personally use the Ultimate Belly Band Holster on Amazon, because it is inexpensive and can be easily replaced. To find out more about this belly band, you can see my review here.
Pros Of A Belly Band For Exercising

Similar to fanny packs, belly bands can be worn in a variety of setups. Both vertical placement of the belt and location of the handgun holster can be adjusted.
For instance, when I am working out my legs I wear the belly band higher on my torso. This allows me to bend at the waist for a leg press or RDL. Additionally, the holster is out of the way and I can use a lifting belt when performing squats or deadlifts.
Alternatively, when I am working upper body I will lower the band and rotate the holster to my hip. This allows me to easily bench press and sitting for any kind of tricep or shoulder exercise is still comfortable.
Another benefit of a belly band to conceal carry while exercising is the breathable material used in construction.
Cons Of Belly Bands For Exercising
The biggest hindrance of a belly band is that in order to conceal, you must wear an outer layer. While you can wear a belly band directly against your skin I find that it tends to move around when there isn’t a layer below it. However, I feel this isn’t a big deal for most weightlifters as they sometimes wear a hoodie or other outer layer during their workouts.
Conceal Carry While Cycling

I’ve been out of the cycling game for a while. And honestly, it was mostly mountain bikes on trail rides as opposed to street riding. However, based on my knowledge from a time gone past I can tell you what I’d look for to concealed carry while cycling.
Similar to lifting weights, cycling involves the whole body and works your core and extremities. Therefore, you need an option that won’t impede movement. The best way to conceal carry while cycling is by utilizing a chest rig. Alternatively, you can use a concealed carry backpack for a similar experience.
One muscle group that isn’t actively worked while cycling is the pectorals, and a pack on your chest won’t interfere with lateral movement when pedaling. Simultaneously, you’ll have quick access to your handgun should you need it. I’ll probably be picking up the Covert Escape Chest Pack on Amazon for when I get my next motorcycle.
Backpacks are another fine option for concealed carry while cycling. You’ll be bent at the waist, so I’d wear a concealed carry backpack middle to high on your back. However, it really comes down to personal preference. Either way, the backpack should not impeded your exercise.
Parting Shots
I think I’ve covered most of the major types of physical fitness workouts. Hopefully you’ve found useful information about the different ways to conceal carry while exercising. Do you have questions or experience with certain products for your own workout routines? Leave a comment for other readers and share the wealth.
If this information has helped you, leave a comment or share with your network. Any interaction with the page helps me out a ton. Thanks for reading, and carry on!