by Mike V. | Firearm Care and Maintenance
If you’re going to be carrying a concealed handgun, you need to ensure you are proficient with your weapon. Frequent trips to the handgun range are a necessity, because the shooting skills you develop will expire if unused. Today I’ll be covering the essential items you need and my philosophy for setting up a range bag.
by Mike V. | Concealed Carry
New concealed carry permit holders always wonder about carrying a loaded firearm. Some people wonder whether it is safe to carry around a loaded firearm. Others worry that carrying a loaded firearm is illegal in their state. So today, I’m going to discuss everything you need to know about keeping a round in the chamber and safely carrying a loaded firearm as part of your everyday carry kit, whether openly or concealed.
by Mike V. | Firearm Care and Maintenance, General EDC
When it comes to protecting your family in a life and death situation, your firearm is often your first, last, and only line of defense. Hopefully, you’ve instructed your child in firearm safety and they have a healthy respect for your weapons. But, sometimes your children are too young to comprehend the importance of safely handling firearm. Or, maybe you have guests over frequently, and you don’t want anyone inexperienced with guns to stumble upon yours. In these instances, choosing a gun safe or other secure means of firearm storage are of the utmost importance.
by Mike V. | Concealed Carry, Firearm Care and Maintenance, General EDC
There are four very important rules when handling any firearm. Before you can carry your handgun concealed with confidence, you need to be familiar with the basic safety protocols for handling your weapon.
by Mike V. | Concealed Carry
“Oops, don’t mind me.” We’ve all had the unfortunate event where our concealed carry weapon finds a way out of our holster. This is particularly true of those with a new concealed carry permit, or when testing out a new form of carrying your weapon. So how, should you handle this scenario?