How To Build A Gun Safe Room
A design guide and how to build a gun safe room to protect your firearm collection. Learn hard earned lessons from my gun room build.
A design guide and how to build a gun safe room to protect your firearm collection. Learn hard earned lessons from my gun room build.
I’m finishing up my gun vault, and I’m cataloging what it cost to build a gun safe room based on my specs. I’ll break down the various costs, and what you can expect to pay for a gun safe room to be built.
If you’ve purchased a pistol from a licensed dealer, then your handgun should have come with a cable lock. Using a pistol cable lock is not necessarily intuitive. Especially since the process differs between revolvers and automatics.
If you spend any time at all drawing from your holster on the shooting range, you know how important it is to have a properly fitted holster. Sometimes, holsters work like a dream straight out of the box. But, other times you’ll need to make a few tweaks to get the right retention.
I’m here to provide some clarity about what you can expect to encounter during a concealed carry course. Maybe you need to satisfy a state requirement to obtain your CCW license. Or perhaps you’re considering concealed carry and want to beef up your knowledge. Whatever the reason, I’ll be going over some common questions and their answers.