Tru Spec Circadian: Backpack Review

Tru Spec Circadian: Backpack Review

Today I’m bringing you an EDC backpack recommendation from a close friend of mine. I’ll be taking a closer look, and giving you a review of the TruSpec Circadian backpack in all its glory. Key Features On The TruSpec Circadian If you’re in the market...
5.11 Tactical Rush 24: Backpack Review

5.11 Tactical Rush 24: Backpack Review

Over the years, my everyday carry kit has grown beyond the limits of most conventional backpacks. I needed a versatile solution that could function as my laptop bag during the week, and a weekend getaway pack when I wasn’t at the office. However, the caveat was that I didn’t want to be constantly unpacking parts of my kit to reallocate space. Enter the 5.11 Tactical RUSH 24 backpack.