Until the Federal Government decides to mandate universal acceptance of concealed carry permits across state lines, legal concealed carry in all 50 states is a bit of a pipe dream. While those with a career in Law Enforcement are eligible under LEOSA, that method doesn’t mean much to the rest of us. However, non-resident permits offer another avenue for interstate concealed carry. Below are the options for concealed carry for the most states.
Table of Contents
1. Utah Non-resident Permits

By and large, Utah non-resident permits are the most sought after non-resident permits. Obtaining your non-resident permit from Utah allows for concealed carry in 33 states. Therefore, the Utah non-resident permit is a good choice if you want to conceal carry for the most states.
You can check out the list of states that recognize a Utah non-resident permit by visiting here and expanding the “States That Honor Utah Concealed Carry” . Colorado, Florida, and Pennsylvania only recognize Utah resident permits as valid. However, the Utah permit is one of the few non-resident permits that open up concealed carry in Washington State.
Permit Requirements
As with many other non-resident concealed carry permits, you’ll need to be in good standing with the law. Additionally, you’ll need to provide a host of other paperwork and meet the age requirement for a Utah non-resident permit.
- Age: 21 years or older
- Cost: $63.25
- Payment: Credit Card or Cashiers Check
- Paperwork:
- Application form(s)
- Proof of citizenship/photocopy of drivers license
- Fingerprint card
- Passport quality color photo
- Firearm course completion
- Application form(s)
A Utah non-resident permit is you best option to carry in the most states with the least amount of effort. For additional information on how to apply for your Utah non-resident permit, you can visit the states’ website.
2. Arizona Non-resident Permits
Next on the list, we have the Arizona non-resident permit. The Arizona non-resident permit allows for reciprocity with 32 states and there is significant overlap with states unlocked with the Utah permit.
Although Washington state is not unlocked with an Arizona non-resident permit, you will be able to carry in New Mexico. For those of you keeping track, these two permits will allow you to conceal carry in 34 states total.
For a full list of state reciprocity for Arizona non-resident permits you can check here. Alternatively, I recommend you sign up for USCCA and get access to their reciprocity tool.
Permit Requirements
- Age: 21 years or older
- Cost: $60.00
- Payment: Cashiers check, money order, or certified check
- Paperwork:
- Application form(s)
- Proof of citizenship/photocopy of drivers license
- Two (2) sets of fingerprint cards
- Firearm course completion
- Application form(s)
If you’re looking to pick up this permit, you can check the Arizona Department of Public Safety website. Click the “Forms” item for forms and instructions on submission.
3. Florida Non-resident Permits
Next on the list is a Florida non-resident permit. A Florida non-resident permit opens up similar states — 32 states — as an Arizona permit. However, if you want to carry in Florida, you’ll need this permit.
Adding this permit to your collection adds one more state, bringing you one step closer to concealed carry for the most states with a total of 35.
Another benefit of the Florida non-resident permit is the ability to complete the application online. The process is a bit different but the paperwork is essentially the same. However, you may be able to save some money on your passport photo and fingerprinting.
Permit Requirements
- Age: 21 years or older
- Cost: $55 for licensing, $42 for fingerprinting (may be different if scanned)
- Payment: Check or money order
- Paperwork:
- Application form(s)
- Fingerprint card or scans
- Passport quality color photo
- Firearm course completion – including live fire exercise
- Application form(s)
For a detailed list of requirements to be eligible for a Florida non-resident concealed carry permit, check out the states legislative code. Decided to get a Florida permit? Check here for application instructions and your eligibility.
4. Virginia Non-resident Permits

Another option in lieu of the Arizona permit is the Virginia non-resident permit which provides the same level of coverage (32 states) for concealed carry. Fortunately for me, I am eligible for the resident permit.
Although this permit won’t add any locations in your quest to concealed carry for the most states, it provides you an alternative means for legal concealed carry out of state. Because education requirements vary, this may be a good option if your firearm instruction does not meet the Arizona standards.
Permit Requirements
- Age: 21 years or older
- Cost: $100
- Payment: Money order or cashiers check
- Paperwork:
- Application form(s)
- Fingerprint card
- Passport quality color photo
- Copy of government issued ID with photo
- Firearm course completion (online courses not accepted)
- Application form(s)
You can find information on obtaining a Virginia non-resident permit here, including the requirements for acceptable education.
5. Maine Non-resident Permits
Another state on the list of redundant reciprocity is Maine. With a Maine non-resident permit you’ll be able to concealed carry in a considerable amount of states. However, the states covered by a Maine non-resident permit overlap with the Utah permit. Additionally, there are several states covered by the Utah and other permits that a Maine license does not cover.
Unfortunately, this permit does not gain you ground when trying to concealed carry in 50 states. But, similar to the Virginia non-resident permit, it does provide you options when applying for a CCW for the purposes of reciprocity.
Permit Requirements
- Age: 18 years or older
- Cost: $60
- Payment: Cashiers check or money order
- Paperwork:
- Application form(s) – you’ll need a witness signature for release of information
- Birth certificate, passport, or INS document
- Fingerprint card
- Passport quality color photo
- Firearm course completion
- Application form(s) – you’ll need a witness signature for release of information
If you believe that the Maine non-resident permit best suits your needs, you can find information on permit application here.
6. New Hampshire Non-resident Permits
Finally, you can opt for the New Hampshire non-resident permit to allow for concealed carry in more states. As with many non-resident permits, New Hampshire does not allow for any states not covered under the above. If you’re in a neighboring state, you may want to hop across the state line to cut down on processing time for your application. Otherwise, there’s no real tangible benefit since Pennsylvania revoked reciprocity.
Permit Requirements
- Age: 18 years or older
- Cost: $100
- Payment: Cashiers check or money order
- Paperwork:
- Application form(s)
- Application form(s)
To begin you application and to conceal carry in more states, download the New Hampshire non-resident permit form.
States With Conditional Issuance
The above listed states offer non-resident permits for the purposes of reciprocity. However, there are several other states that offer non-resident permits under certain conditions. Obtaining a non-resident permit from Nevada, Minnesota, or Iowa, doesn’t add any more of the 50 states to your concealed carry list. Although it does provide some redundant coverage, the requirements far outweigh those benefits.
Nevada requires in-state training even for non-resident permits. Meanwhile, Minnesota requires in-person application even for the issuance of a non-resident concealed carry permit. Finally, Iowa issues permits for professional reasons. I’m sure I missed a couple of states but suffice it to say that these permits do not provide any tangible benefits over the 6 states listed above.
States Without Reciprocity
Unfortunately, there are a handful of states that currently make concealed carry in 50 states impossible without LEOSA. You’ll likely recognize many of the states as bastions of anti-gun legislation.
However, if you are fortunate (unfortunate?) enough to reside in one of these states you may be eligible for a concealed carry permit and will increase your state count by one.
Parting Shots
Reciprocity laws are constantly subject to change. I’ve provided an account to the best of my ability regarding the information available to me. However, for this reason I highly recommend getting multiple non-resident permits to ensure you are compliant for concealed carry in the most states. While the process may be a bit time consuming, ultimately you’re providing an added layer of protection against the constant wave of legislative changes.
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