Essential Gun Cleaning Supplies And How To Use Them

Essential Gun Cleaning Supplies And How To Use Them

Part of having an everyday carry arsenal, is keeping all of the pieces in good working condition. Whether it’s discarding expired medical supplies, evaluating the integrity of your EDC pack, or updating to superior tools — maintenance is key to successful everyday carry. However, the most important piece of your EDC kit to maintain is your firearm. After all, your life may one day depend on it.

How Often Should You Rotate Ammo?

How Often Should You Rotate Ammo?

A weapon is a machine, and machines can break down. You should do everything within your power to keep this from happening. This means regular maintenance of your EDC handgun. Many people think only of the action of the weapon, and fail to realize that both the ammunition and magazine play a vital role. Because these go unnoticed, it can become a point of failure when you need it most.