by Mike V. | Concealed Carry
In an age where overkill is underrated the number of pistol magazines you should have is often a point of discussion. So, how many pistol magazines should you have? More importantly, how many should you carry?
by Mike V. | Concealed Carry
When it comes to concealed carry, there are generally only two schools of thought about carrying an extra magazine. One side is against carrying a spare mag, while the other vehemently opposes the idea of carrying a concealed handgun without one. So should you be carrying an extra magazine?
by Mike V. | Concealed Carry
When it comes to being prepared, having an extra magazine for your everyday carry pistol is essential. Even if your pistol is in good working order, a faulty magazine could spell disaster in an emergency scenario. So, what are the best magazine holsters for toting around your spare mag?