New Mexico is an open carry state, that is also a shall issue state for concealed carry permits. An applicant must be 21 years old to obtain a New Mexico concealed carry permit. Applications must be delivered to the Department of Public Safety. In addition to any paperwork, applicants must prove handgun proficiency with whatever caliber weapon they intend to carry concealed. Furthermore, at a minimum the safety and education course must be completed with a caliber of at least .32, and be a duration of 15 hours or more. Also, at the time of application a fee of $100 will be charged for an initial New Mexico concealed permit. Upon issuance, a permit is valid for 4 years. Although only recognizing a clutch of states permits, those with a New Mexico concealed carry permit can carry in 36 other states.
This information was last updated in February 2019.
Table of Contents
New Mexico Concealed Carry By The Numbers
Average Cost in Dollars
# of States That Accept NM License
# of Years Valid
Minimum Age
# of Days To Get A Permit*
Reciprocity Map for New Mexico
Use the tabs below to display states that will accept a New Mexico concealed carry permit or those states that New Mexico will honor. Click the sections below for a complete listing of states in each category, along with other relevant information.
States That Honor New Mexico Concealed Carry
- Alabama
- Alaska – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Also honors state issued concealed carry permit.
- Arizona – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Also honors state issued concealed carry permit.
- Arkansas
- Colorado – Resident Permit ONLY
- Delaware
- Florida – Resident Permit ONLY
- Idaho
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Also honors state issued concealed carry permit.
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Does NOT honor state issued concealed carry permit.
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Also honors state issued concealed carry permit.
- Missouri – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Also honors state issued concealed carry permit.
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Does NOT honor state issued concealed carry permit.
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- West Virginia – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Also honors state issued concealed carry permit.
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
New Mexico Will Honor The Following States
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Colorado
- Delaware
- Florida
- Idaho
- Kansas
- Louisiana
- Michigan
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- North Carolina
- North Dakota – Class 1 ONLY
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Wyoming
How To Apply for a New Mexico Concealed Carry License
Can I get a concealed carry permit in New Mexico?
New Mexico is a shall issue state. Applicants for a concealed carry in the state must meet set guidelines to be eligible to receive a permit. Disqualifying factors include, but are not limited to:
- nonresident
- fugitive from justice
- convicted of a felony
- alcohol or substance abuse
- conviction or conditional discharge of a misdemeanor
“The department shall issue a concealed handgun license to an applicant who […]“
Relevant Code(s):
What is the minimum age to obtain a CCW license in NM?
The minimum age to obtain a New Mexico concealed carry permit is 21 years old.
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Who issues a concealed carry permit in New Mexico?
The Department of Public Safety is the issuing authority for New Mexico concealed carry permits. Within NM code, “the department” is referenced frequently, and is synonymous with the Department of Public Safety.
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How long is a New Mexico concealed carry permit good for?
New Mexico concealed carry permits are valid for 4 years from the date of issuance. This standard went into effect January of 2004.
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Does NM issue concealed permits to non-residents?
Applicants for a New Mexico concealed permit must be a citizen of the United States, and a resident of the state. Exceptions are made for active duty military who are stationed within the state. However, the state does not issue nonresident permits.
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How long does it take to process a concealed carry application?
An application for a concealed permit must be issued or denied within 30 days. However, a background investigation can take up to 90 days to complete.
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How much does a concealed carry permit cost?
Upon application, an individual must pay a nonrefundable fee not to exceed $100.
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What are the accepted forms of competency training?
New Mexico requires any applicant to prove competency with a firearm consistent with the largest caliber weapon the individual intends to carry. Furthermore, New Mexico requires both classroom and live fire training to meet the training requirement. Therefore, an online only course is insufficient for New Mexico concealed carry permit requirements. Additionally, the minimum caliber for demonstration of firearm competency is .32 caliber. The total time of training must be at least 15 hours.
“has satisfactorily completed a firearms training course approved by the department for the category and the largest caliber of handgun that the applicant wants to be licensed to carry as a concealed handgun“
“A firearms training course shall include classroom instruction and range instruction and an actual demonstration by the applicant of his ability to safely use a handgun. An applicant shall not be licensed unless he demonstrates, at a minimum, his ability to use a handgun of .32 caliber“
“An applicant seeking a license shall satisfactorily complete an initial firearms training course approved by the department that includes at least 15 hours of classroom and firing range instruction […]“
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Restrictions on Carrying A Firearm in New Mexico
Is New Mexico an Open Carry State?
New Mexico is an open carry state. The state constitution offers the following with respect to carrying of firearms:
“No law shall abridge the right of the citizen to keep and bear arms for security and defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for other lawful purposes, but nothing herein shall be held to permit the carrying of concealed weapons. No municipality or county shall regulate, in any way, an incident of the right to keep and bear arms.“
Relevant Code(s):
Can I Conceal Carry in a Vehicle?
According to the New Mexico Department of Public Safety, any individual is permitted to transport a firearm in their vehicle, with or without a concealed carry permit. Upon exiting the vehicle, the firearm cannot be concealed on the individual.
Relevant Code(s):
Can I Conceal Carry in State Parks?
According to the New Mexico Department of Natural Resources and Wildlife, individuals with a concealed permit are allowed to carry concealed within state parks.
“Visitors shall not possess firearms with a cartridge in any portion of the mechanism except: persons with a concealed handgun license issued to them by a state that has a valid concealed handgun reciprocity agreement with the state on New Mexico; or persons carrying a firearm in a private vehicle or other private means of conveyance, for lawful protection of the person’s or another’s person or property.“
Relevant Code(s):
Am I Allowed To Conceal Carry In Restaurants?
New Mexico concealed carry holders are permitted to carry in restaurants. However, this is only applicable for establishments that do not sell hard liquor. Additionally, any establishment with appropriate signage designating the area as gun free, must be obeyed. Furthermore, no individual may be under the influence of alcohol while carrying concealed.
“a restaurant licensed to sell only beer and wine that derives no less than sixty percent of its annual gross receipts from the sale of food for consumption on the premises […]“
Relevant Code(s):
Can I Conceal Carry in a Church?
Nothing in New Mexico state codes expressly prohibits the carrying of firearms within a church. Therefore, licensed individuals are permitted to carry concealed within churches and other places of worship. However, any clearly posted signage must be obeyed when designating the premises as gun free.
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Can I Conceal Carry in a Bank?
The laws of New Mexico do not expressly prohibit the carrying of firearms into any financial institution. Therefore, it is legal for a licensed individual to carry concealed within a bank. Although legal for concealed carry license holders to carry in a bank, any posted signage forbidding the carry of a firearm within a bank must be respected.
Relevant Code(s):
Can I Conceal Carry in a Hospital?
Nothing in New Mexico code expressly prohibits the carrying of firearms into a hospital or other medical facility. Unless otherwise posted by the facility, a licensed individual can carry a concealed weapon into a hospital.
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The content of this page is for informational purposes. It is not intended as a substitute for legal council, or intended as legal advice. It is recommended that you inquire with the state about the validity of the information contained herein.
What constitutes being considered a resident of NM?
My spouse desires to take the training but only lives in NM 6 (six) mos/yr. She does not have a NM drivers license. Would electric/phone/tax records be proof that she is a resident of NM?
For the purposes of obtaining a concealed carry license, proof of residency (temporary or part-time) seems to require either a NM drivers license or NM ID card according to the application here.