Can You Shoot A New Gun Straight Out Of The Box?
You’ve got a shiny new firearm that you can’t wait to shoot at the local range. But hold on a minute, should you shoot your new gun right out of the box?
You’ve got a shiny new firearm that you can’t wait to shoot at the local range. But hold on a minute, should you shoot your new gun right out of the box?
In an age where overkill is underrated the number of pistol magazines you should have is often a point of discussion. So, how many pistol magazines should you have? More importantly, how many should you carry?
Okay internet, today I’ll be talking all things ammo as it pertains to the gun range. After my gun range article I figured I should expound a bit on the quantity of ammunition you need in your range bag, and some other details about your ammo selection.
When it comes to shooting, the only way to asses your shooting accuracy is by putting rounds downrange. All the fancy tools, apps, and gizmos are no substitute for good old fashioned live fire exercises. But, what paper targets are the most useful and entertaining?