Rhode Island is a shall issue, and may issue state. Applications submitted to local issuing authorities are shall issue. If you application is submitted to the Attorney General, it is provided on a may issue basis. Applicants must be 21 years old, or 18 with parental consent and additional conditions. Regardless of where you submit your application, a Rhode Island concealed carry permit costs $40. In addition to other qualifying factors, applicants must prove competency with a firearm. This culminates in a live fire exercise, where RI permit applicants are graded on accuracy. Therefore, online courses are not sufficient for obtaining a permit in Rhode Island. Upon issuance, a permit is valid for 4 years and is accepted state wide, regardless of who issues the license. While Rhode Island does not accept a concealed permit from any other issuing authority, those with a RI permit can carry in 26 other states.
This information was last updated in February 2019.
Table of Contents
Rhode Island Concealed Carry By The Numbers
Average Cost in Dollars
# of States That Accept RI License
# of Years Valid
Minimum Age*
# of Days To Get A Permit*
Reciprocity Map for Rhode Island
Use the tabs below to display states that will accept a Rhode Island concealed carry permit or those states that Rhode Island will honor. Click the sections below for a complete listing of states in each category, along with other relevant information.
States That Honor Rhode Island Concealed Carry
- Alabama
- Alaska – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Also honors state issued concealed carry permit.
- Arizona – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Also honors state issued concealed carry permit.
- Arkansas
- Idaho
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Also honors state issued concealed carry permit.
- Kentucky
- Maine – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Does NOT honor state issued concealed carry permit.
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Also honors state issued concealed carry permit.
- Missouri – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Also honors state issued concealed carry permit.
- Nebraska
- New Hampshire – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Does NOT honor state issued concealed carry permit.
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas – Attorney General Issued Permit ONLY
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- West Virginia – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Does NOT honor state issued concealed carry permit.
Rhode Island Will Honor The Following States
The state does not recognize any out of state permits for the purposes of carrying a concealed weapon within the state, unless for safe passage.
How To Apply for a Rhode Island Concealed Carry License
Can I get a concealed carry permit in Rhode Island?
Rhode Island is a shall issue state, when applications are submitted to the local issuing authority. However, those applications to the Attorney General are offered on a may issue basis. Regardless of the issuing authority, a concealed carry permit is valid throughout the state.
With regard to applications submitted to the AG, the following is listed in the code:
“[…] upon a proper showing of need, […] that license or permit may be issued […]“
Relevant Code(s):
What is the minimum age to obtain a CCW license in Rhode Island?
Regardless of the issuing authority (local or AG) the minimum age for the issuance of a RI concealed permit is 21 years old. However, an individual with parental consent is eligible for a concealed permit at the age of 18, provided they adhere to the following:
“[…] only upon satisfactory proof of being engaged in a course of training in the use of firearms at a regular and recognized camp or rifle range, and provided that the person has the written consent of a parent or guardian.“
Relevant Code(s):
Who issues a concealed carry permit in Rhode Island?
Residents can submit their applications to the sheriff or police department of their locality (a.k.a. the licensing authority). However, applications can also be made with the Attorney Generals’ Office, but applicants must prove “proper showing of need”
“‘‘Licensing authorities’ means the board of police commissioners of a city or town where the board has been instituted, the chief of police or superintendent of police of other cities and towns having a regular organized police force, and, in towns where there is no chief of police or superintendent of police, it means the town clerk who may issue licenses upon the recommendation of the town sergeant, and it also means any other person or body duly authorized by the city or town charter or by state law.“
Relevant Code(s):
How long is a Rhode Island concealed carry permit good for?
Rhode Island concealed carry permits are valid for 4 years from the date of issuance. A permit is valid throughout the state.
Relevant Code(s):
Does RI issue concealed permits to non-residents?
Rhode Island does issue nonresident permits. However, an out of state applicant must provide the following as part of their packet.
First, a nonresident applicant must provide a copy of their home state concealed carry permit. Second, the application must have an accompanying signed letter as to the necessity for a nonresident permit (whether for employment or otherwise).
Relevant Code(s):
How long does it take to process a concealed carry application?
According to the application form on the Attorney Generals’ site an applicant should allow up to 90 days for the processing of a RI concealed carry permit. However, I was unable to find any corresponding code requiring that the state issue within the aforementioned time frame.
Relevant Code(s):
How much does a concealed carry permit cost?
The total cost for the issuance of an initial Rhode Island concealed carry permit is $40. If the application is submitted to the local authority, then payment will also be made to them. However, those submitting an application to the AG will pay to the Attorney Generals’ office.
“A fee of forty dollars ($40.00) shall be charged and shall be paid for each license or permit to the licensing authority issuing it […]“
Relevant Code(s):
What are the accepted forms of competency training?
Rhode Island does require proof of competency regarding firearm safety and proficiency with the use of a handgun to acquire a concealed carry permit.
The following are the authorities qualified to perform certification of firearms training:
- range officer of RI state police
- range officer of city/town police department
- NRA or US Revolver Association certified pistol instructor
- Other authority approved by the attorney general
Furthermore, applicants must pass a range qualification. Therefore, online only courses are not acceptable for a Rhode Island concealed carry permit.
- “qualified with a pistol or revolver of a caliber equal to or larger than the one he or she intends to carry“
- score 195/300 or better on shooting assessment
- 30 rounds fired
- distance of 25 yards
- time to completion is: 10 minutes per magazine, for 3 magazines
“[…] army ‘L’ target, firing ‘slow’ fire. The ‘slow’ fire course shall allow ten (10) minutes for the firing of each of three (3) ten (10) shot strings.“
Relevant Code(s):
Restrictions on Carrying A Firearm in Rhode Island
Is Rhode Island an Open Carry State?
Rhode Island does not restrict an individuals right to openly carry a firearm, provided they have a valid Rhode Island concealed carry permit.
“No person shall, without a license or permit issued […] carry a pistol or revolver in any vehicle or conveyance or on or about his or her person whether visible or concealed […]“
Relevant Code(s):
Can I Conceal Carry in a Vehicle?
Rhode Island does not allow for concealed carry within a vehicle, without a concealed permit. However, exceptions are made for individuals who are merely passing through the state without any intention of remaining in the state for any period of time. This allows for licensed individuals outside the state to carry concealed for the purposes of safe travel.
“[…] shall not apply to any person who is the holder of a valid license or permit issued by the licensing authority of another state, or territory of the United States, or political subdivision of the state or territory, allowing him or her to carry a pistol or revolver in any vehicle or conveyance or on or about his or her person whether visible or concealed, provided the person is merely transporting the firearm through the state in a vehicle or other conveyance without any intent on the part of the person to detain him or herself or remain within the state of Rhode Island.“
Relevant Code(s):
Can I Conceal Carry in State Parks?
While RI state code implies that state parks are fine with concealed carrying of weapons, the Department of Environmental Management does not agree. Therefore, it appears that you are not allowed to carry a concealed firearm within state parks.
“Possession of a loaded firearm, archery equipment having a nocked arrow or bolt, or firearm with magazine or chamber from which all shells or cartridges have not been removed, located in or on any vehicle or conveyance while in or upon any part of a Public Reservation is prohibited unless possessed by a law enforcement officer […]“
Relevant Code(s):
Am I Allowed To Conceal Carry In Restaurants?
Rhode Island does allow licensed individuals to carry into restaurants. Furthermore, nothing appears to prevent someone with a Rhode Island concealed carry permit from entering into any establishment that serves alcohol while carrying a handgun. However, the code expressly forbids the consumption of alcohol while carrying a concealed firearm.
“It is unlawful to carry or transport any firearm in this state when intoxicated or under the influence of intoxicating liquor or narcotic drugs. “
Relevant Code(s):
Can I Conceal Carry in a Church?
Rhode Island allows for licensed individuals to carry into a church. Nothing expressly forbids someone with a RI concealed carry permit from entering into a church, synagogue, or other place of worship. However, it is always recommended that you abide by any posted signage.
Relevant Code(s):
Can I Conceal Carry in a Bank?
Similar to Churches and places of worship, nothing in RI code prevents a licensed individual from carrying a concealed firearm into a bank. While not expressly forbidden, it is advised that you obey any posted signage at any financial institution declaring the area gun free.
Relevant Code(s):
Can I Conceal Carry in a Hospital?
Rhode Island does not expressly forbid the carrying of firearms into medical facilities. Therefore, a licensed individual is permitted to carry a concealed weapon into a hospital. While RI code does not address hospitals specifically, it is advised that you obey any posted signage outside such facilities.
Relevant Code(s):
The content of this page is for informational purposes. It is not intended as a substitute for legal council, or intended as legal advice. It is recommended that you inquire with the state about the validity of the information contained herein.