North Carolina is a shall issue state with regard to concealed carry. Residents must be 21 years or older to be eligible to receive a North Carolina concealed carry permit. Applicants should apply with the sheriff of the county, along with the $80 application fee for the initial permit. Additionally, the state requires proof of competency with firearms, and as such, applicants must take a course that cnosists of live fire exercises to complete this requirement. Upon issuance, a license is valid for 5 years, but it can take up to 45 days to process the application for a concealed permit. North Carolina only issues concealed permits to individuals who have been residents of the state for at least 30 days. The holder of a NC concealed carry license can carry in 38 other states. However, North Carolina recognizes all out of state concealed carry permits.
This information was last updated in February 2019.
Table of Contents
North Carolina Concealed Carry By The Numbers
Average Cost in Dollars*
# of States That Accept NC License
# of Years Valid
Minimum Age
# of Days To Get A Permit
Reciprocity Map for North Carolina
Use the tabs below to display states that will accept a North Carolina concealed carry permit or those states that North Carolina will honor. Click the sections below for a complete listing of states in each category, along with other relevant information.
States That Honor North Carolina Concealed Carry
- Alabama
- Alaska – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Also honors state issued concealed carry permit.
- Arizona – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Also honors state issued concealed carry permit.
- Arkansas
- Colorado – Resident Permit ONLY
- Delaware
- Florida – Resident Permit ONLY
- Georgia
- Idaho
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Also honors state issued concealed carry permit.
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Also honors state issued concealed carry permit.
- Michigan
- Mississippi – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Also honors state issued concealed carry permit.
- Missouri – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Also honors state issued concealed carry permit.
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Does NOT honor state issued concealed carry permit.
- New Mexico
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Pennsylvania – Resident Permit ONLY
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
North Carolina Will Honor The Following States
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Under North Carolina state code 14-415.24 all valid out of state concealed carry permits are recognized.
How To Apply for a North Carolina Concealed Carry License
Can I get a concealed carry permit in North Carolina?
North Carolina is a shall issue state. Those who meet the age and other conditions for issuance shall not be denied for other reasons. Some disqualifying criteria may be (but are not limited to):
- Convicted of a felony
- Unlawful user of alcohol or any controlled substance
- Found by courts to be mentally lacking or mentally ill
- Discharge from armed services that were not honorable
Relevant Code(s):
What is the minimum age to obtain a CCW license in NC?
The state requires an applicant to be 21 years old or more in order to obtain a North Carolina concealed carry permit.
Relevant Code(s):
Who issues a concealed carry permit in North Carolina?
Residents of Alabama should apply with the Sheriff of the county in which they reside to obtain a concealed permit. The request will be processed within 30 days of a submitted complete application.
“The sheriff shall issue a permit to carry a concealed handgun to a person who qualifies for a permit […]“
Relevant Code(s):
How long is a North Carolina concealed carry permit good for?
North Carolina concealed carry permits are valid for a period of 5 years from date of issuance.
“The permit shall be valid throughout the State for a period of five years from the date of issuance.“
Relevant Code(s):
Does NC issue concealed permits to non-residents?
North Carolina requires an applicant to be a citizen of the United States and resident of the state for at least 30 days to meet the conditions to obtain a concealed permit. Therefore, the state does not issue nonresident permits.
“[…] has been a resident of the State 30 days or longer immediately preceding the filing of the application.“
Relevant Code(s):
How long does it take to process a concealed carry application?
The sheriff will issue or deny a North Carolina concealed carry permit within 45 days.
However, in the event of an emergency, a sheriff may issue a permit valid not to exceed the 45 days it takes to process a regular NC concealed carry permit.
“[…] within 45 days after receipt […] the sheriff shall either issue or deny the permit.“
Relevant Code(s):
How much does a concealed carry permit cost?
Upon application, the individual must submit a fee of $80 to the issuing authority. However, there may be an additional $10 fee to process fingerprints submitted as part of the concealed carry permit application.
Relevant Code(s):
What are the accepted forms of competency training?
North Carolina requires proof of competency and safely handling of firearms as a condition for issuing a concealed permit. Additionally, the applicant must prove proficiency with a firearm through demonstration on live fire exercises. Therefore, an online only course is insufficient to obtain a North Carolina concealed carry permit.
“The applicant has successfully completed an approved firearms safety and training course which involves the actual firing of handguns and instruction in the laws of this State governing the carrying of a concealed handgun and the use of deadly force.“
Relevant Code(s):
Restrictions on Carrying A Firearm in North Carolina
Is North Carolina an Open Carry State?
North Carolina does not prohibit openly carrying weapons, but county ordinances may have laws against it. It is recommended that you check the statutes of the locality you are in, or visiting, to verify legality.
Relevant Code(s):
Can I Conceal Carry in a Vehicle?
I was unable to locate any statute that forbids the carrying of firearms in a vehicle, therefore, those with a concealed carry license are permitted to carry in their vehicle. If the individual is parked within a premises where concealed carry is forbidden, then the firearm must be kept in the following manner:
“The firearm is not loaded, is in a motor vehicle, and is in a locked container or a locked firearm rack.“
Relevant Code(s):
Can I Conceal Carry in State Parks?
Yes, those with a valid NC concealed permit, can carry into state parks, as evidenced by the following excerpt.
“Any person who has a concealed handgun permit may carry a concealed handgun on the grounds or waters of a park within the State Parks System […]“
Relevant Code(s):
Am I Allowed To Conceal Carry In Restaurants?
Those with a North Carolina concealed carry permit can legally carry into a restaurant. However, anyone without a valid concealed permit cannot carry into any establishment that serves alcohol for consumption on premises. Furthermore, any person with a valid license must still adhere to any posted signage forbidding firearms.
It is illegal to consume alcohol while carrying a handgun, whether openly or concealed.
“It shall be unlawful for any person to carry any gun, rifle, or pistol […] into any establishment in which alcoholic beverages are sold and consumed. […] This section shall not apply to […] A person carrying a handgun if the person has a valid concealed handgun permit […] shall not be construed to permit a person to carry a handgun on any premises where the person in legal possession or control of the premises has posted a conspicuous notice prohibiting the carrying of a concealed handgun on the premises […]”
Relevant Code(s):
Can I Conceal Carry in a Church?
Nothing in North Carolina code expressly prohibits concealed carry in a place of worship. Therefore, licensed individuals can carry concealed into a church. Furthermore, if any portion of the facility is used for educational purposes (e.g. Sunday School), you should check with the owner of the facility before carrying on the grounds. Additionally, any posted signage forbidding the carrying of a weapon must be followed.
“[…] for any person knowingly to possess or carry, whether openly or concealed, any gun, rifle, pistol, or other firearm of any kind on educational property or to a curricular or extracurricular activity sponsored by a school.“
Relevant Code(s):
Can I Conceal Carry in a Bank?
Financial institutions are not places where concealed carry is expressly forbidden by North Carolina law. Therefore, it is legal for a licensed individual to carry into a bank. However, any private property owner can designate the property as gun free with posted signage.
“On any private premises where notice that carrying a concealed handgun is prohibited by the posting of a conspicuous notice or statement by the person in legal possession or control of the premises.”
Relevant Code(s):
Can I Conceal Carry in a Hospital?
Nothing in North Carolina law prohibits firearms on premises of a medical facility. Therefore, it is legal for an individual with a North Carolina concealed carry permit to carry a concealed handgun into a hospital. Furthermore, nothing prohibits carrying into any other type of medical facility. However, any posted signage forbidding the carrying of handguns or other firearms on site must be obeyed.
Relevant Code(s):
The content of this page is for informational purposes. It is not intended as a substitute for legal council, or intended as legal advice. It is recommended that you inquire with the state about the validity of the information contained herein.