Washington is a shall issue state. Those who are 21 years and older meet the age requirement for a Washington concealed carry permit. Both resident and nonresident permits are available from the state. Applicants for a resident permit must have resided in the state for 90 days, and can submit to the chief of police or county sheriff in their respective territories. Nonresident permit applications can be submitted to any authority of the state. No proof of competency or training is required by the state to be eligible for a concealed permit. The fee for an initial permit is $36. Additionally, this fee is submitted at the time of application and is nonrefundable. Upon issuance, a Washington concealed carry permit is valid for 5 years. Those with a valid permit issued by the state can carry in 28 other states.
This information was last updated in February 2019.
Table of Contents
Washington Concealed Carry By The Numbers
Average Cost in Dollars
# of States That Accept WA License
# of Years Valid
Minimum Age
# of Days To Get A Permit*
Reciprocity Map for Washington
Use the tabs below to display states that will accept a Washington concealed carry permit or those states that Washington will honor. Click the sections below for a complete listing of states in each category, along with other relevant information.
States That Honor Washington Concealed Carry
- Alabama
- Alaska – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Also honors state issued concealed carry permit.
- Arizona – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Also honors state issued concealed carry permit.
- Arkansas
- Idaho
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Also honors state issued concealed carry permit.
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Does NOT honor state issued concealed carry permit.
- Michigan
- Mississippi – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Also honors state issued concealed carry permit.
- Missouri – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Also honors state issued concealed carry permit.
- Montana
- New Hampshire – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Does NOT honor state issued concealed carry permit.
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- West Virginia – Must be of legal age to carry, and state ID required. Does NOT honor state issued concealed carry permit.
- Wisconsin
Washington Will Honor The Following States
- Idaho – Enhanced ONLY
- Kansas
- Louisiana
- Michigan
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- South Dakota – Enhanced ONLY
- Utah
How To Apply for a Washington Concealed Carry License
Can I get a concealed carry permit in Washington?
Washington is a shall issue state. As stated in the Washington state constitution:
“The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain or employ an armed body of men.“
Applicants for a concealed carry permit will need to meet certain conditions, including good standing with the state in order to obtain a Washington concealed carry permit.
Relevant Code(s):
What is the minimum age to obtain a CCW license in WA?
The minimum age to obtain a Washington concealed permit is 21 years old.
Relevant Code(s):
Who issues a concealed carry permit in Washington?
Resident applicants for a concealed carry permit in Washington should submit their application to the chief of police of a municipality or the sheriff of a county. Nonresidents can submit to any authority in the state.
Relevant Code(s):
How long is a Washington concealed carry permit good for?
Washington concealed carry permits are valid for a period of 5 years from the date of issuance.
Relevant Code(s):
Does WA issue concealed permits to non-residents?
Washington state does issue nonresident permits. Unlike other states, Washington does not appear to require proof of employment within the state. Furthermore, I was unable to find any added requirements for those wishing to obtain a nonresident concealed carry permit.
“A person may apply for a concealed pistol license: […] Anywhere in the state if the applicant is a nonresident.“
Relevant Code(s):
How long does it take to process a concealed carry application?
Applicants submitting for an initial permit to carry concealed must be issued or denied a permit within 30 days if they are a resident of the state. Residency with the state must be for 90 consecutive days or more, otherwise the time frame increases to 60 days. Furthermore, the processing time for a nonresident concealed carry permit is 60 days.
“[…] within thirty days after the filing of an application of any person, issue a license to such person to carry a pistol concealed on his or her person within this state“
“[…] if the applicant does not have a valid permanent Washington driver’s license or Washington state identification card or has not been a resident of the state for the previous consecutive ninety days, the issuing authority shall have up to sixty days after the filing of the application to issue a license.“
Relevant Code(s):
How much does a concealed carry permit cost?
The total cost for the issuance of a Washington concealed carry permit is $36. That fee is distributed in the following manner:
- $15 to state general fund
- $4 to agency taking fingerprints
- $14 to issuing authority
- $2.16 to range general fund
- $.84 to concealed pistol license renewal notification account
“The nonrefundable fee, paid upon application, for the original five-year license shall be thirty-six dollars plus additional charges imposed by the federal bureau of investigation that are passed on to the applicant.“
Relevant Code(s):
What are the accepted forms of competency training?
Nothing in Washington state code indicates that an applicant must prove competency with firearms, or complete any form of classroom or live fire training.
Relevant Code(s):
Restrictions on Carrying A Firearm in Washington
Is Washington an Open Carry State?
While open carry is generally accepted in the state, no code expressly allows this. However, the below codes seems to indicate that it is not accepted if it causes concern for the safety of others. Remember to carry responsibly and keep handguns holstered at all times if you choose to carry openly.
“It shall be unlawful for any person to carry […] in a manner, under circumstances, and at a time and place that either manifests an intent to intimidate another or that warrants alarm for the safety of other persons.“
Relevant Code(s):
Can I Conceal Carry in a Vehicle?
Those with a valid concealed permit are allowed to carry concealed within their vehicle. However, that individual must remain in the vehicle while the pistol is accessible from within the car. Otherwise, the pistol must be locked and concealed from view if the permit holder is not inside. Furthermore, those without a concealed carry permit, who are at least 18 must keep the weapon unloaded. If they leave the vehicle, they are subject to the same limitations as a permit holder.
“A person shall not carry or place a loaded pistol in any vehicle unless the person has a license to carry a concealed pistol and: (i) The pistol is on the licensee’s person, (ii) the licensee is within the vehicle at all times that the pistol is there, or (iii) the licensee is away from the vehicle and the pistol is locked within the vehicle and concealed from view from outside the vehicle.“
“A person at least eighteen years of age who is in possession of an unloaded pistol shall not leave the unloaded pistol in a vehicle unless the unloaded pistol is locked within the vehicle and concealed from view from outside the vehicle.“
Relevant Code(s):
Can I Conceal Carry in State Parks?
You are allowed to carry a concealed firearm into Washington state parks, provided you have a concealed carry permit. However, make sure you follow any applicable laws of the state, and that you also adhere to federal law regarding restricted areas within the park.
Relevant Code(s):
Am I Allowed To Conceal Carry In Restaurants?
Individuals with a Washington concealed carry permit can carry into restaurants. Washington law forbids carrying in any establishment serving alcohol on premises that is not accessible to those under 21 years old (e.g. a bar)
“That portion of an establishment classified by the state liquor and cannabis board as off-limits to persons under twenty-one years of age;”
Relevant Code(s):
Can I Conceal Carry in a Church?
Those areas where concealed carry is prohibited are listed in the below section. Nothing in this code expressly forbids those with a valid concealed permit from carrying into any place of worship. Therefore, it is lawful for those with a concealed carry permit to carry in a church. As always, it is recommended that you obey any posted signage to avoid unnecessary conflict.
Relevant Code(s):
Can I Conceal Carry in a Bank?
Similar to churches, nothing in the prohibited places section of the concealed carry laws forbids carrying into any financial institution. Furthermore, no exceptions are made to exclude carrying concealed based upon security features. Therefore, it is lawful for those with a valid concealed permit to carry into a bank. Be mindful of any posted signage that prohibit the carrying of firearms on premises, despite not being supported by the rule of law.
Relevant Code(s):
Can I Conceal Carry in a Hospital?
It is legal for a licensed individual to carry into a hospital, provided they do not enter areas with restricted access. The below excerpt describes in further details of the conditions of the law, but only expressly forbids restricted access areas within certain types of medical facilities.
While this appears to allow those with permits to carry on the grounds, it is advisable to not carry into a hospital since in patient hospital care and mental health facilities are expressly addressed in Washington code. Furthermore, be mindful of any posted signage forbidding firearms on the property.
Additionally, local ordinances can preempt state law, so be sure the hospital or medical facility you intend to carry in is not subject to restriction by local law.
“The restricted access areas of a public mental health facility licensed or certified by the department of health for inpatient hospital care and state institutions for the care of the mentally ill, excluding those facilities solely for evaluation and treatment. Restricted access areas do not include common areas of egress and ingress open to the general public“
Relevant Code(s):
The content of this page is for informational purposes. It is not intended as a substitute for legal council, or intended as legal advice. It is recommended that you inquire with the state about the validity of the information contained herein.